Upsun User Documentation

Manage Python versions in non-Python containers

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You may need to use a specific version of Python that isn’t available in an app container for a different language. For example, a container might have a long-term support version, while you want the latest version.

In such cases, use the Pyenv version manager to install the specific version you want to use.

  1. Add your target Python version as a variable:
    # The app's name, which must be unique within the project.
        type: 'php:8.3'
                # Update for your desired Python version.
                PYTHON_VERSION: "3.11.0"
  1. Add Pyenv in a build hook:
    # The app's name, which must be unique within the project.
        type: 'php:8.3'
                # Update for your desired Python version.
                PYTHON_VERSION: "3.11.0"
            build: |
                # Exit the hook on any failure
                set -e

                # Clone Pyenv to the build cache if not present
                if [ ! -d "$PLATFORM_CACHE_DIR/.pyenv" ]; then
                    mkdir -p $PLATFORM_CACHE_DIR/.pyenv
                    git clone $PLATFORM_CACHE_DIR/.pyenv

                # Pyenv environment variables
                export PYENV_ROOT="$PLATFORM_CACHE_DIR/.pyenv"
                export PATH="$PYENV_ROOT/bin:$PATH"

                # Initialize Pyenv
                if command -v pyenv 1>/dev/null 2>&1; then
                    eval "$(pyenv init --path)"

                # Install desired Python version
                mkdir -p $PLATFORM_CACHE_DIR/.pyenv/versions
                if [ ! -d "$PLATFORM_CACHE_DIR/.pyenv/versions/$PYTHON_VERSION" ]; then
                    pyenv install $PYTHON_VERSION

                # Set global Python version
                pyenv global $PYTHON_VERSION                

Now your build hook can use the specified version of Python. You can verify this by running python --version.

If you want this Python version to be available in the runtime environment, follow these steps:

  1. Copy Pyenv to your runtime environment at the end of your build hook:
    # The app's name, which must be unique within the project.
        type: 'php:8.3'
            build: |

                # Copy Pyenv directory to runtime directory
                cp -R $PLATFORM_CACHE_DIR/.pyenv $PLATFORM_APP_DIR

                # Rehash Pyenv for new (runtime) location
                PYENV_ROOT="$PLATFORM_APP_DIR/.pyenv" $PLATFORM_APP_DIR/.pyenv/bin/pyenv rehash                
  1. Create an .environment file:

    touch .environment
  2. Update the PATH for the runtime environment:

    export PATH=/app/.pyenv/bin:/app/.pyenv/shims:$PATH

Now the specified Python version is used in the runtime environment.

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