Upsun User Documentation

Deploy Drupal on Upsun

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For Drupal to successfully deploy and operate, after completing the Getting started guide, you still need to make a few changes to your Upsun configuration.

Before you begin Anchor to this heading

You need:

  • Git. Git is the primary tool to manage everything your app needs to run. Push commits to deploy changes and control configuration through YAML files. These files describe your infrastructure, making it transparent and version-controlled.
  • A Upsun account. If you don’t already have one, register for a trial account. You can sign up with an email address or an existing GitHub, Bitbucket, or Google account. If you choose one of these accounts, you can set a password for your Upsun account later.
  • The Upsun CLI. This lets you interact with your project from the command line. You can also do most things through the Web Console.

In addition to the above, you should also have:

Configure Anchor to this heading

Open the .upsun/config.yaml file that’s been generated and replace with the following:

        type: "php:8.3"
            mariadb: 'db:mysql'
            redis: 'cache:redis'
            # The default Drupal files directory.
                source: storage
                source_path: 'files'
            # Drupal gets its own dedicated tmp directory. The settings.platformsh.php
            # file will automatically configure Drupal to use this directory.
                source: storage
                source_path: 'tmp'
            # Private file uploads are stored outside the web root. The settings.platformsh.php
            # file will automatically configure Drupal to use this directory.
                source: storage
                source_path: 'private'
            # Drush needs a scratch space for its own caches.
                source: storage
                source_path: 'drush'
            # Drush will try to save backups to this directory, so it must be
            # writeable even though you will almost never need to use it.
                source: storage
                source_path: 'drush-backups'
            flavor: composer
                    root: 'web'
                    expires: 5m
                    passthru: '/index.php'
                    allow: false
                            allow: true
                            allow: true
                            allow: true
                            scripts: false
                            scripts: false
                    allow: true
                    expires: 5m
                    passthru: '/index.php'
                    root: 'web/sites/default/files'
                    scripts: false
                            expires: 2w
                composer/composer: "^2.7"
            build: |
                set -e                
            # fast.
            deploy: |
                set -e
                php ./drush/upsun_generate_drush_yml.php
                cd web
                bash $PLATFORM_APP_DIR/drush/                
            # Run Drupal's cron tasks every 19 minutes.
                spec: '*/19 * * * *'
                    start: 'cd web ; drush core-cron'
            # Enable the redis extension so Drupal can communicate with the Redis cache.
                - redis
                - sodium
                - apcu
                - blackfire
            root: /
        type: mariadb:10.6
        type: redis:7.2
        type: upstream
        upstream: "drupal:http"
            enabled: true
            # Base the cache on the session cookie and custom Drupal cookies. Ignore all other cookies.
            cookies: ['/^SS?ESS/', '/^Drupal.visitor/']
        type: redirect
        to: "https://{default}/"

This configuration is similar to the deployment process for Drupal on, however it is slightly updated for Upsun’s configuration.

Variables Anchor to this heading

The project:init command created a .environment file containing environment variables for the two services (MariaDB and Redis). Now append the following Drush configuration to the bottom of that file:

# Allow executable app dependencies from Composer to be run from the path.
if [ -n "$PLATFORM_APP_DIR" -a -f "$PLATFORM_APP_DIR"/composer.json ] ; then
  bin=$(composer config bin-dir --working-dir="$PLATFORM_APP_DIR" --no-interaction 2>/dev/null)
  export PATH="${PLATFORM_APP_DIR}/${bin:-vendor/bin}:${PATH}"

settings.php Anchor to this heading

Open web/sites/default/settings.php and append the following to the bottom of that file.

// Upsun configuration
if (getenv('PLATFORM_APPLICATION') && file_exists(__DIR__ . '/settings.upsun.php')) {
  include __DIR__ . '/settings.upsun.php';

Upsun-specific settings Anchor to this heading

Then create a new Upsun-specific settings file web/sites/default/settings.upsun.php that leverages the variables defined in .environment. This file should contain the following:

 * @file
 * settings.

use Drupal\Core\Installer\InstallerKernel;

// Set up a config sync directory.
// This is defined inside the read-only "config" directory, deployed via Git.
$settings['config_sync_directory'] = '../config/sync';

// Configure the database.
$databases['default']['default'] = [
    'driver' => getenv('DB_SCHEME'),
    'database' => getenv('DB_PATH'),
    'username' => getenv('DB_USERNAME'),
    'password' => getenv('DB_PASSWORD'),
    'host' => getenv('DB_HOST'),
    'port' => getenv('DB_PORT'),
    'init_commands' => [

// Enable verbose error messages on development/staging branches, but not on the production branch.
// You may add more debug-centric settings here if desired to have them automatically enable
// on development but not production.
if (getenv('PLATFORM_ENVIRONMENT_TYPE') == 'production') {
    // Production environment type.
    $config['system.logging']['error_level'] = 'hide';
} else {
    // Non-production environment types.
    $config['system.logging']['error_level'] = 'verbose';

// Enable Redis caching.
if (!InstallerKernel::installationAttempted() && extension_loaded('redis') && class_exists('Drupal\redis\ClientFactory')) {

  // Set Redis as the default backend for any cache bin not otherwise specified.
  $settings['cache']['default'] = 'cache.backend.redis';
  $settings['redis.connection']['host'] = getenv('CACHE_HOST');
  $settings['redis.connection']['port'] = getenv('CACHE_PORT');

  // Apply changes to the container configuration to better leverage Redis.
  // This includes using Redis for the lock and flood control systems, as well
  // as the cache tag checksum. Alternatively, copy the contents of that file
  // to your project-specific services.yml file, modify as appropriate, and
  // remove this line.
  $settings['container_yamls'][] = 'modules/contrib/redis/';

  // Allow the services to work before the Redis module itself is enabled.
  $settings['container_yamls'][] = 'modules/contrib/redis/';

  // Manually add the classloader path, this is required for the container cache bin definition below
  // and allows to use it without the redis module being enabled.
  $class_loader->addPsr4('Drupal\\redis\\', 'modules/contrib/redis/src');

  // Use redis for container cache.
  // The container cache is used to load the container definition itself, and
  // thus any configuration stored in the container itself is not available
  // yet. These lines force the container cache to use Redis rather than the
  // default SQL cache.
  $settings['bootstrap_container_definition'] = [
    'parameters' => [],
    'services' => [
      'redis.factory' => [
        'class' => 'Drupal\redis\ClientFactory',
      'cache.backend.redis' => [
        'class' => 'Drupal\redis\Cache\CacheBackendFactory',
        'arguments' => ['@redis.factory', '@cache_tags_provider.container', '@serialization.phpserialize'],
      'cache.container' => [
        'class' => '\Drupal\redis\Cache\PhpRedis',
        'factory' => ['@cache.backend.redis', 'get'],
        'arguments' => ['container'],
      'cache_tags_provider.container' => [
        'class' => 'Drupal\redis\Cache\RedisCacheTagsChecksum',
        'arguments' => ['@redis.factory'],
      'serialization.phpserialize' => [
        'class' => 'Drupal\Component\Serialization\PhpSerialize',

if (getenv('PLATFORM_BRANCH')) {
  // Configure private and temporary file paths.
  if (!isset($settings['file_private_path'])) {
    $settings['file_private_path'] = getenv('PLATFORM_APP_DIR') . '/private';
  if (!isset($settings['file_temp_path'])) {
    $settings['file_temp_path'] = getenv('PLATFORM_APP_DIR') . '/tmp';

// Configure the default PhpStorage and Twig template cache directories.
  if (!isset($settings['php_storage']['default'])) {
    $settings['php_storage']['default']['directory'] = $settings['file_private_path'];
  if (!isset($settings['php_storage']['twig'])) {
    $settings['php_storage']['twig']['directory'] = $settings['file_private_path'];

  // Set the project-specific entropy value, used for generating one-time
  // keys and such.
  $settings['hash_salt'] = empty($settings['hash_salt']) ? getenv('PLATFORM_PROJECT_ENTROPY') : $settings['hash_salt'];

  // Set the deployment identifier, which is used by some Drupal cache systems.
  $settings['deployment_identifier'] = $settings['deployment_identifier'] ?? getenv('PLATFORM_TREE_ID');;

// The 'trusted_hosts_pattern' setting allows an admin to restrict the Host header values
// that are considered trusted.  If an attacker sends a request with a custom-crafted Host
// header then it can be an injection vector, depending on how the Host header is used.
// However, already replaces the Host header with the route that was used to reach
//, so it is guaranteed to be safe.  The following line explicitly allows all
// Host headers, as the only possible Host header is already guaranteed safe.
$settings['trusted_host_patterns'] = ['.*'];

config/sync Anchor to this heading

Create the config/sync empty directory referenced in the settings file:

mkdir -p config/sync && touch config/sync/.gitkeep

Configuration reader Anchor to this heading

Install the required Config Reader library. This will help us to pull routing details for each environment into our settings (highlighted in the snippet in the next step).

composer require platformsh/config-reader

Drush Anchor to this heading

To configure Drush, use the following command to create the files that will be referenced in the configuration process. This process will allow Drush to be used within the Upsun container.

mkdir drush && touch drush/ && touch drush/upsun_generate_drush_yml.php

Fill out the drush/ with the following:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Don't run drush commands if drupal isn't installed.
# Don't run config-import if there aren't any config files to import

if [ -n "$(drush status --field=bootstrap)" ]; then
  drush -y cache-rebuild
  drush -y updatedb
  if [ -n "$(ls $(drush php:eval "echo realpath(Drupal\Core\Site\Settings::get('config_sync_directory'));")/*.yml 2>/dev/null)" ]; then
    drush -y config-import
    echo "No config to import. Skipping."
  echo "Drupal not installed. Skipping standard Drupal deploy steps"

This file runs Drush commands (cache-rebuild and updatedb) only when Drupal is installed. It also will only run config-import if configuration YAMLs are present in the config_sync_directoryconfig/sync.

Change its permissions to run at deploy time:

chmod +x drush/

Then finally, fill out the Drush generator PHP file:

 * @file
 * A script that creates the .drush/drush.yml file.

// This file should only be executed as a PHP-CLI script.
if (PHP_SAPI !== 'cli') {

require_once(__DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php');

 * Returns a site URL to use with Drush, if possible.
 * @return string|NULL
function _platformsh_drush_site_url() {
  $platformsh = new \Platformsh\ConfigReader\Config();

  if (!$platformsh->inRuntime()) {

  $routes = $platformsh->getUpstreamRoutes($platformsh->applicationName);

  // Sort URLs, with the primary route first, then by HTTPS before HTTP, then by length.
  usort($routes, function (array $a, array $b) {
    // false sorts before true, normally, so negate the comparison.
      [!$a['primary'], strpos($a['url'], 'https://') !== 0, strlen($a['url'])]
      [!$b['primary'], strpos($b['url'], 'https://') !== 0, strlen($b['url'])];

  // Return the url of the first one.
  return reset($routes)['url'] ?: NULL;

$appRoot = dirname(__DIR__);
$filename = $appRoot . '/.drush/drush.yml';

$siteUrl = _platformsh_drush_site_url();

if (empty($siteUrl)) {
  echo "Failed to find a site URL\n";

  if (file_exists($filename)) {
    echo "The file exists but may be invalid: $filename\n";


$siteUrlYamlEscaped = json_encode($siteUrl, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES);
$scriptPath = __FILE__;

$success = file_put_contents($filename, <<<EOF
# Drush configuration file.
# This was automatically generated by the script:
# $scriptPath

  # Set the default site URL.
  uri: $siteUrlYamlEscaped

if (!$success) {
  echo "Failed to write file: $filename\n";

if (!chmod($filename, 0600)) {
  echo "Failed to modify file permissions: $filename\n";

echo "Created Drush configuration file: $filename\n";

Now commit all of the above changes and push to Upsun.

git add .
git commit -m "Add changes to complete my Upsun configuration"
upsun push -y

Further resources Anchor to this heading

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